
While it might not seem like a plumbing emergency, a weak flush can lead to big bathroom messes and stubborn clogs. In some cases, you may need a new toilet; however, most weak flushes can be solved with a few quick adjustments. If you’re tired of having to flush multiple times to get the job done, use the following steps to find a solution.

3 Plumbing Tips for a Weak Toilet Flush

1. Check the Water Level

The water that swirls around your toilet bowl when you flush filters in from the tank, which refills from your home’s main supply. If the water line inside the tank is one inch or more below the overflow pipe, there isn’t enough liquid to provide a strong, full flush. Luckily, it’s easy to fix this. Adjust the water level screw, which is found on the fill valve, until the line is within one inch of the top of the overflow pipe.

2. Eliminate Hard Water Buildup

plumbingOver time, trace amounts of minerals found in your water supply can build up on your plumbing fixtures, including inside your toilet. If calcium deposits and limescale accumulate on the rim feed and jet holes, which is where the water comes out when you flush, these minerals could prevent your toilet from flushing at full power. Clear them away by applying a toilet bowl cleaner and using a hard scrub brush underneath the inner rim. In some cases, you may need to use a wire hanger to scrape off stubborn buildup.

3. Inspect the Flapper

When you push on the flush handle, it pulls on a chain inside the tank that’s connected to the flapper, which is a rubber seal that blocks water from going into the bowl. If the chain is too long, the flapper won’t be raised for an appropriate amount of time, and the bowl with experience a shortage of water as it attempts to flush. To fix this issue, simply shorten the chain so that there’s only a half inch of slack.


If you’re continuing to experience issues with a weak flush, contact the experts at Fast Rooter Plumbing on Oahu, HI. This family-owned company has provided residents and business with quality plumbing services for over 20 years. Whether you’re dealing with slow drains, leaky pipes, or clogged toilets, you can rely on these professionals to remedy the problem. View their services online, or call (808) 734-4938 to schedule an appointment.
