
In the South, there are three main types of wasps you may encounter. In certain cases, you may be able to remove the nest yourself if you’re brave, determined, and mindful of your safety, but in others, it would be an extremely ill-advised proposition. Here’s a guide to the three kinds and how to address their presence on or around your home. 

Red Paper Wasps

Named for their red-colored heads, these insects tend to build nests that resemble an upside-down umbrella. You’re likely to see their nests under your home’s eaves or hanging from a tree branch. Slightly less aggressive than other Southern species, the red paper variety still stings when it feels it’s under attack, and when its nestmates join in, things can get dangerous.

If you have experience removing nests on your own, this is the species that offers the most palatable opportunity for a do-it-yourselfer. But you should only proceed if the nest is still in its early stages of development (meaning there are very few inside it). It’s best to handle the job around dusk when they aren’t very active. 

Yellow Jackets

waspsYou can recognize a yellow jacket from the black and yellow patterning across its body. These wasps like to build their nests in the ground or inside walls, making the logistics of destroying a nest more difficult. Their colonies tend to be much larger and more aggressive, making encounters extremely hazardous. They have the capability of delivering painful stings several times. You should never attempt to remove one of their nests on your own—call an exterminator if you spot one. 


Just like yellow jackets, hornets should be feared, though they’re luckily less prevalent around humans. You can recognize them for their slightly larger size and black and white bodies. Their nests are larger than that of other wasps and are constructed out of what looks like paper mache (a combination of wood pulp and saliva, usually). More difficult to find, they tend to be located in garages, rafters, or trees. With several hundred members in the colony, all capable of multiple powerful stings, it’s always advisable to enlist the help of a professional to have one of their hives removed.   


If you spot a wasp nest on your property, immediately reach out to a trusted pest control specialist like Advanced Termite & Pest Control in Crossville, TN. Serving the community for more than 15 years, the locally owned and operated business will humanely remove the pests so they are no longer a threat to your safety. Schedule a free inspection by calling (866) 636-2687. Learn more about the exterminator by visiting their website
