
Altering your current hair color is an effective way to express your personality and recharge your look. To retain the radiance of a trendy pastel tint or darker shade, you’ll need to tweak your current hair care regimen. To avoid mistakes that turn color-treated strands dull and brassy, use the following advice. 

How to Make Your Hair Color Last 

1. Wait to Wash Hair After Your Appointment

After your trip to the hair salon, wait three days before washing your newly colored locks. The cuticle layer of strands needs time to close and lock in the color. Wetting hair before the 72-hour mark will wash away the tint and cause premature fading. 

2. Shampoo Every Other Day

hair colorAlthough shampooing in the shower removes grease buildup, the cleanser and excessive rinsing also extract dye from strands. To prevent fading, cut back on washing to every other day, or even less frequently. Use lukewarm or cold water for rinsing, as hot water opens the hair cuticle, causing the dye molecules to seep out. Use dry shampoo on off days, as it absorbs oil to keep locks bouncy and vibrant.     

3. Use Products Designed for Color-Treated Hair

Dye alters the strength of your strands, which means your current hair care supplies might be damaging. So your locks don’t become dry and brittle, switch to shampoos, conditioners, and styling products formulated for color-treated tresses. When you shampoo, remember to condition, too. This will curb dryness and enhance the vibrancy of your hair color.  

4. Avoid Excessive Heat

Applying heat to dyed hair can cause breakage, so limit your use of flat irons, blow dryers, and other heat-based styling tools. If you need to use these implements, spray strands with a protective serum first to provide a barrier between the heat and your hair. Before you go outside, put sunscreen on locks. Otherwise, the sun’s rays can fade the dye job. If you go for a swim to relieve the summer heat, keep in mind that hair absorbs chlorine, so wear a cap in the water and use a clarifying shampoo afterwards to remove the chemical.


If you want to change your hair color or need high-quality products to maintain your new look, head to Bloom Beauty Lounge in New York City. This Chelsea salon has become a favorite of city dwellers who need color correction, haircuts, additional treatments, and upkeep advice to keep them looking stylish without damaging locks. To schedule an appointment and inquire about the organic hair products available, call (212) 255-9355. Connect online to meet the team and discover how they’ll care for your hair. 
