
Hemorrhoids are one of the most common digestive and bowel issues that people face. While they aren’t life-threatening and don’t typically require attention from a doctor or surgeon, they can be extremely uncomfortable and painful. As with most health conditions, the best cure for hemorrhoids is to prevent them. Here are four strategies to keep in mind.

4 Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids 

1. Go When You Need To

Just as holding in urine may lead to bladder infections, holding in bowel movements may contribute to hemorrhoids. If you don’t use the restroom when you need to, your stool can dry up and harden in your bowel, making it more difficult to pass. Since straining puts pressure on the venous cushions, you increase your risk of hemorrhoids. This can also turn internal hemorrhoids into external ones. Don’t strain to go when you don’t need to either, as this can have the same effect.

2. Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber is an essential nutrient found in foods, such as whole grains, beans, legumes, and nuts. It is also present in many fruits and vegetables as well, like apples, carrots, bananas, kale, and spinach. Fiber improves digestion and makes stools easier to pass. This decreases your risk of constipation, which can lead to hemorrhoids.

3. Exercise

surgeonA sedentary lifestyle can slow down metabolism and make digestion more challenging. Moderate or intense exercise can improve or prevent many issues. When you move, whether it’s going for a walk or swim, or playing soccer or tennis with friends, your bowels get moving too. If you have hemorrhoids already, avoid motions such as heavy weight-lifting squats and other movements that put significant pressure on the abdomen. For those with hemorrhoid trouble, doctors and surgeons recommend avoiding these exercises as they may increase your risk of a flare-up.  

4. Drink Water

Water is crucial to metabolism and digestion. Drink an eight-ounce glass at least eight times a day. Drinking tea or water with your meals can improve digestion by helping foods pass through your system more easily. It is particularly important to drink water in conjunction with a high-fiber diet, as fiber without water makes stools hard and more difficult to pass. Fiber and water together is an ideal combination that should improve bowel regularity and decrease hemorrhoid risk. 


If you experience hemorrhoids frequently, see a doctor to determine the cause of the problem and develop a treatment plan. If you have severe hemorrhoids or other issues, such as hernias, the doctor may recommend seeing a surgeon to address the problem. For residents of Lincoln, NE, visit Lincoln Surgical Group PC. This team of board-certified surgeons specializes in general surgery, offering a broad range of services from colonoscopies and colon surgery to gallbladder removal. Call (402) 483-7825 to speak with a helpful staff member or visit the website to learn more about their practice and how they can help you. 
