
Maybe your daughter is a rising basketball star — or perhaps you can’t tear your son away from the baseball diamond. Whatever their sport of choice may be, if your little one takes part in athletic endeavors where a ball is involved, it’s important to outfit them with protective eyewear. This April marks Sports Eye Safety Month, making it the perfect time to safeguard your child’s vision by investing in this gear.  

The Danger of Ball Sports for Eyes

A targeted blow to the ocular area can cause permanent damage. Sports where the ball is hard and small enough to deliver a precise hit — like baseball — are especially risky. High-speed contact could result in nerve damage, a detached retina, or even a dislodged eye. 

You might think that their everyday eyeglasses can help protect them, but these will likely make the situation worse. If they are pushed into the face, there’s a risk that the lenses or frames will shatter, allowing shards to enter the eye. 

How Athletic Eyewear Protects Vision

visionAthletic goggles are made of shatterproof plastic, eliminating this risk. They are usually outfitted with a strap so they can be secured to the head, increasing your little one’s comfort. They won’t have to worry about glasses bumping around and slipping as they run the bases. 

Trust an eye doctor to outfit your child with athletic eyewear; the lenses can be a prescription if needed. Look into ones that safeguard against UV rays, which increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. While these issues aren’t likely to develop for decades, it’s important to protect your child now.


Get your child outfitted for the spring sports season now. For help in Amherst, OH, trust Eric G. Stocker, OD. This eye doctor has been serving the community for over 30 years, treating both adults and children. With his friendly and open approach, he will make you feel at ease. Review his services, from vision tests to pink eye treatments, online. For an appointment, call (440) 988-4419.
