
Whether you’re having a routine dental exam or undergoing oral surgery, your dentist will use a combination of tools to provide treatment. Being aware of each item and understanding what it does is a fantastic way to decrease dental anxiety, which can be a real issue for some patients.

What Tools Will My Dentist Use?

1. Dental Mirror

The dental mirror allows your dentist to get a better view of teeth. It’s also used to gently move the tongue around the mouth during an exam. Dental mirrors are made up of long handles and rounded heads, which easily fit into the mouth

2. Dental Explorer

oral surgerySometimes referred to as a probe, the dental explorer features a long handle with a curved hook on the end. This is used to remove plaque and tartar from hard to reach places, such as the molars in the back of the mouth. It can also be used to check for pocketing of the gums, which is a symptom of advancing gum disease. If you need a thorough cleaning, a scaler may also be used.

3. Suction Device

Excess saliva can make it hard for your dentist to work efficiently. The suction device, which is composed of a long tube and motor, vacuums up moisture to allow your dental team to access tooth surfaces easily. You may be asked to close your mouth during treatment to help remove accumulating water, which sometimes causes the hose to get stuck to your cheek or tongue. However, there is no discomfort associated with the use of this device.

4. Drill

While it can be a bit intimidating, the dental drill is an essential part of oral surgeries, such as cavity treatments. Drills are used to take away spots of decay so the tooth can be filled and stabilized. Water is administered during the process to keep the drill cool, and your dentist will use a local anesthetic to keep discomfort to a minimum. Patients usually only experience the sensation of pressure during the process.


As trusted providers of oral surgery and other treatments in Baraboo, WI, Oral Surgery Center, S.C. wants each and every patient to feel at ease during their appointments. They know that procedures, like tooth extraction and implants, can be a bit intimidating, which is why they explain every step of the process to patients. They also offer oral surgery to address facial trauma, including knocked out teeth, lacerations, and fractures. Learn more about their oral surgery procedures by calling (608) 356-2112 today. You can also prepare for a procedure by visiting them online.
