
As beautiful as the trees and flowers may look during spring, these blooms come at a cost: the air becomes rife with pollen. To make matters worse, some of it will inevitably end up in your home, where it will circulate through the HVAC system, along with other allergens like pet dander, mold spores, and dust mites. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to decrease their amount and diminish their effects.  

How to Reduce Allergens & Improve Indoor Air Quality

1. Use Clean Filters

An air filter traps allergens as they go through your HVAC system; however, because they’re capturing so much dust and dirt, they eventually need to be replaced. For some households, replacing the filter every 2-3 months will suffice, but during spring, the increased amount of allergens will cause your filters to clog up much faster, so keep that in mind. If you have pets, you may need a new one every month.

2. Upgrade the Filters

If anyone in your household has asthma or is extremely sensitive to a variety of allergens, a new filter may not be enough. You probably need a better one. Consider getting a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter instead. These are much finer and can trap much more than the standard variety.

3. Clean Frequently

hvacTo help keep your filters from getting overwhelmed, thoroughly clean your home at least once a week. Go beyond the basics and use the brush and nozzle attachments of your vacuum to get the dust from the grilles and registers. 

4. Install an Air Purifier

If you have a hectic household and HEPA filters aren’t doing much, ask about having a whole house air purifier installed. They are specifically designed to improve the indoor air quality and can trap particles that are much smaller than those captured by standard HVAC filters.

5. Schedule an HVAC Tune-Up

Ideally, you should have your HVAC system tuned up every year. If it’s been a while, call a professional to schedule an appointment. They’ll carefully inspect every aspect of the system to ensure everything is working correctly and, in the process, may discover a loose component or leak that’s inadvertently contributing to the poor indoor air quality.


Whether you’re interested in having an air purifier installed or you just need a tune-up, call Tom Hundley Heating & Cooling today at (918) 455-5993. Located in Broken Arrow, OK, this fully licensed, bonded, and insured company does everything from full system replacements to basic maintenance. For more information on the HVAC services and products they provide, visit their website. Read reviews from some of their satisfied clients on Google.
