
About 80 percent of all jobs are sedentary, meaning that the vast majority of adults sit all day, every day. Prolonged sitting can result in incorrect posture, which can lead to musculoskeletal issues such as neck pain. To help you minimize your discomfort if you sit at a desk for your job, here are some tips to relieving neck pain.

How to Alleviate Neck Pain From Sitting at a Desk

1. Maintain Proper Posture

Poor posture, such as slouching, causes tension in the muscles of the shoulder and neck, resulting in back and neck pain and stiffness.

Sitting with your spine straight can support your shoulders and neck, helping them hold your head upright. Always sit with both feet firmly on the floor and your back flat against the chair. Look straight ahead and maintain a neutral position for the neck, trying not to strain it in either direction.

2. Adjust Your Computer Monitor

neck painStretching your neck even slightly to see a computer monitor can result in neck pain, so adjust it to a height where the center of the screen is even with your nose. If you’re working on a laptop you place on your lap, consider using a second monitor at eye level, or propping it up with a few books to bring it even a few inches closer to your face.

3. Move Around Frequently

Staying stationary all day causes your muscles to tense up, which results in stiffness and pain. To loosen your muscles, try to get up and walk around every 30 minutes, even if it's just to take a few rounds around the office or go up and down a short flight of stairs. 


If neck pain is causing you discomfort, visit Nobbe Chiropractic Clinic. Serving the area of Monroe County, IL since 1976, they provide several treatments, including chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, and cold laser therapy to help you manage your pain without medications or surgery. Find more wellness tips on their website, or call (618) 281-4000 to schedule an appointment.
