
An effective and efficient water supply system such as a well pump provides your home with safe and tasty water. It’s common knowledge that drinking water is essential for health, but do you know why? It supports healthier teeth, better digestion, and can even help prevent some diseases. Here are some of the top benefits that come with staying hydrated.

7 Reasons to Drink More Water

1. To Improve Brain Function

Proper hydration contributes to optimal cognition and brain function. Studies show that hydration loss of over 1% can affect memory, mood, and alertness. If you live in a hot climate or lose water through sweat when you work or exercise, make sure to replenish your fluids by drinking from a water supply system.

2. For a Healthier Mouth

Water supply systemWater helps keep the mouth moist and washes away food particles, helping prevent bad breath and plaque and tartar buildup. Drinking water instead of soda, energy drinks, or juice washes your mouth naturally and reduces your sugar intake, further preventing tooth decay.

3. For Fewer Headaches

Headaches can be caused by dehydration, so drinking water may reduce or eliminate them. If you suffer from chronic, low-grade head pain, try increasing your water intake to supplement your brain, which is composed of over 70% water.

4. To Fight Constipation

Constipation is often caused or exacerbated by low water consumption. Upping the amount of water you drink can soften the stool and regulate bowel movements. To avoid digestive issues caused by impure water, make sure you’re drinking from a trusted water supply system.

5. To Promote Weight Loss

Water has been shown to speed up metabolism, which accelerates the burn of calories. Drinking water with meals also helps you feel full, which prevents overeating.

6. To Enhance Appearance

Staying hydrated nourishes the molecules that make up your skin, hair, and nails. It can help keep your hair from drying out, and make your skin look plump and youthful. Water also lubricates the joints of the body, including the spinal vertebrae, and so can help relieve body pains.

7. To Prevent Disease

Studies have shown that drinking water can prevent conditions such as bladder and colorectal cancer, heart disease, and complications in the kidneys and urinary tract.


To reap the benefits of drinking clean water, ensure your water supply system is up-to-date and running smoothly with Quackenbush Water Systems. Based in Warwick, NY, they have over 30 years of experience performing water well pump installations, repairs, and service to ensure your home always has a reliable supply. Visit their website for more information about their services or call (845) 986-1900 to schedule an inspection.
