
Cars are a favorite hiding place of opossums, squirrels, and other wildlife. The small spaces under the hood or along the tailpipes are ideal places for them to keep warm in the cold months and stay safe while nesting. Unfortunately, these animals may damage some of your vehicle components to trim their teeth or feed. While a call to a reliable animal control group can help you solve this problem, there are steps you can take to safeguard your vehicle from wildlife.

3 Ways to Protect Your Car From Wildlife

1. Animal-Proof Your Garage

Your car will be relatively secure in a garage, but go one step further and seal off all entry points. Plug every hole and close every crack with aluminum flashing or a stainless steel mesh. Consider doing the same to your car's exhaust pipe to prevent rats from getting inside.

2. Look for Organic Repellent

animal controlConsult animal control experts about sprays you can use or where you can purchase organic repellents. You can even mix some simple ones yourself using natural ingredients. A mixture of black pepper and capsaicin, for example, can be very effective. Simply sprinkle or spread it around the perimeter of your vehicle to deter rodents.

3. Leave the Hood Up

Some animal control experts suggest leaving the hood up, as exposing the engine block makes the area less appealing as a shelter for rodents and small wildlife. If you’re in a pinch, try shining a bright light under the food and playing the radio to encourage any pests to flee.


Do you feel like your property is overrun with small wildlife? American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services can remove them quickly and ethically. Based in New Milford, these animal control experts specialize in raccoon and squirrel removal, bat control, and general animal removal throughout Connecticut. Check out their services online or call (860) 355-1231.
