
Adding a dining room table to your home is not only a way to bring your family together but also enhance your kitchen or dining room. Glass and wood are both excellent at tying in the surrounding decor. However, as both of these table options are substantial investments, use the guide below to select the one that will meet your needs for many years to come.

Wood Dining Room Table

Hardwood is a classic choice that will bring warmth and character to your dining room. Options like mahogany, walnut, maple, oak, and teak are incredibly durable and perfect for heavy use. With the right care, these materials can easily last for decades. Simply wipe them down with a warm, damp cloth to remove dust and spills. Use a drop or two of mild soap for particularly messy days. Also, to protect against scratches and stains, consider waxing or refinishing the surface when it begins to look dull or worn out.

While solid wood tables have many benefits, they also have a few drawbacks. Too much moisture, for instance, can cause the material to swell and split, and direct contact with UV light can cause discoloration. Hardwood also tends to be heavy, so if you aren’t leaving the table in a set spot, consider lighter plywood or MDF (medium-density fibreboard) composites. 

Glass Dining Room Tabledining room table

If you prefer to change your home decor regularly, a glass table will go well with whichever aesthetic you choose. This elegant option is also transparent, making it a wonderful addition in small or dark dining rooms that are low on light. Today’s tables are also fitted with tempered safety glass, so they are resistant to scratches, heat, and low-impact blows. 

Glass tables are easy to clean, but they must be cleaned frequently. Light at any angle will highlight dust, food residue, and fingerprints. Use a one-to-one solution of warm water vinegar and wipe with a lint-free cloth or newspaper to remove spots and avoid streaks. 


For contemporary dining room tables and other home furniture, visit BOVA Contemporary Furniture in Cincinnati, OH — only a short drive from Dayton. This family-owned store has the largest collection of high-quality contemporary furniture within a 100-mile radius. For over 30 years, they’ve made it their mission to furnish homes with the best products from around the world. Call them today at (513) 247-9100 with any questions. You can also view their current inventory on their website or take a virtual tour of their showroom.
