
You use your plumbing system every day. Therefore, when something goes wrong, it can bring your life to a grinding halt. As such, homeowners should be aware of the most common plumbing emergencies, so they can be prepared to deal with them efficiently. This will also help you prevent more serious damage while working with your plumber to get your home back on track as quickly as possible.

How to Deal with Common Plumbing Emergencies

1. Overflowing Toilet

The toilet can overflow when the plumbing is clogged or the float mechanism is malfunctioning. If your toilet water level starts getting dangerously high, look for the water line connecting your toilet to the wall and twist the knob to shut off the water supply. This way the bathroom won’t flood while you’re addressing the clog. While a plunger should resolve most small issues, more stubborn ones should be addressed by a plumber.

2. No Hot Waterplumber

It’s frustrating when you turn on the water and run it for several minutes, only for it to never warm up. This is likely an issue with your hot water heater. First check to make sure the breaker wasn’t shut off for some reason and never turned back on. Also check the temperature setting on the tank to make sure it hasn’t been turned down. If these aren’t the issues, either there is a leak somewhere along the line or a malfunctioning heating element that requires repair.

3. Leaky Pipes

Depending on the severity of your leak, it can go for months unnoticed or flood your basement in a manner of hours. Smaller leaks can usually be temporarily held with waterproof tape or a rubber sealant until your plumber can fix it. More serious leaks will require turning off the water supply to that portion of the plumbing. If you don’t know where this is, turn off your main water supply valve to prevent serious water damage while the leak is repaired. It’s always a good idea to know where the shutoff valves are in your home for emergency water leaks.

If you’re in the midst of a plumbing emergency, call the professionals at Bryant Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical & Plumbing. Based in Lincoln, NE, since 1952, these plumbers can handle anything from a clogged drain to a full water heater replacement. Learn more about their services online and call (402) 467-1111 to schedule service.
