
As the weather begins to feel like spring, homeowners are beginning to think about switching from heating to cooling. This makes it an important time to contact an HVAC contractor to ensure that your system is healthy. Below are a few tips for taking care of your HVAC system in the transitional season.

5 Ways to Keep Your HVAC System Healthy This Spring

1. Change the Filter

Make a habit of regularly changing the filter of your HVAC system to increase efficiency. Over time, the dirt and dust that the filters screen out of your air builds up on the surface, which restricts airflow. Once a month, check the filter for buildup. If it is full, replace it. If your system has a permanent filter, clean the dust and dirt out of the screen, and dry it before putting it back in the system.

2. Check On the External Unit

HVAC contractorEnsure that there’s no debris inside or around the external unit. The unit will function best when it has about two feet of clear space in each direction, so remove bushes, leaves, and branches nearby. Also, ensure that there is no rust or structural damage; if something seems to be seriously wrong, call an HVAC contractor to resolve it.

3. Open Your Vents

When vents are closed, the HVAC system is forced to work harder to keep your entire house at the right temperature—so, to give your system a break, open the vents and allow the system to do its work. As a result, your system will be working effectively and efficiently, giving it a longer and healthier life span.

4. Clean Your Bathroom Fan

Though it can be easy to forget about it, the bathroom fan is an important element of your HVAC system, and cleaning it will make sure that your system won’t be working excessively hard. To do this, turn off the power, remove the covering, and wipe away dust and debris that’s accumulated inside.

5. Schedule a Tuneup

At the beginning of spring, contact an HVAC contractor to schedule a tuneup of your home’s system to cover any areas that you may have missed. They will catch small issues, and they will replace any faulty or dirty parts to maximize efficiency. This will prepare your air conditioning system for heavy use this summer.


To ensure that your system is healthy and maintained, contact the HVAC contractors at Lakes Heating & Air Conditioning, in Akron, OH. The company, which has operated for over 44 years, employs a team of experts who specialize in both repairing and preserving residential and commercial HVAC systems throughout the year. Visit their website to learn more about air conditioning repair, and call (330) 644-7811 to schedule a spring tuneup.
