
Eye health is an important part of your child’s overall wellness, but it can be tricky to tell whether your child can see clearly. While most schools provide basic vision tests, these might not be enough to detect underlying issues. This is why it’s essential to take your child to an eye doctor at a young age. The following are just some of the signs that your child may have trouble seeing.

How Do You Know If Your Child Has Trouble Seeing?

Holding Books Close to Their Face

While your child is looking at a picture book or reading, you might notice them holding the book close to their face. This is a sign that they are having difficulty seeing the pages and may be farsighted. Ask your child if the pages appear blurry. You might also notice that your child sits close to the TV or holds their toys close to their face.

Struggling With Hand-Eye Coordination

Every child will develop hand-eye coordination at their own pace, but difficulty with everyday tasks could be a sign of vision problems. Activities like crafts require depth perception and sharp vision, so take note if your child has difficulty with these activities.

Frequently Rubbing Their Eyes

eye doctorEye rubbing is common for children, and they often do so when they are tired. However, consistent eye rubbing could be a sign that your child doesn’t see clearly. Note whether they are doing so during the same activity, such as reading or spotting something across the room. It may be difficult for them to focus their vision, so they rub their eyes in an attempt to help. 

Having Trouble Reading

There are many reasons why a child might have difficulty reading, so it’s always important to discuss their reading progress with their teacher. If your child is struggling to read due to vision, you might notice that they lose their place while tracking their reading with their finger. This might indicate that they are unable to focus on the page. 


When it comes to your child’s vision health, the eye doctors at Wise Vision Care provide the exams and care you can trust. Located in Elizabethtown, KY, these eye doctors and staff have offered quality services for over 20 years. They use state-of-the-art technology to diagnose and treat a variety of eye diseases, determine prescriptions for eyeglasses, and recommend contact lenses. To view a full list of their services, visit them online, and call (270) 769-3708 to schedule an eye doctor appointment.
