
As it begins to warm up across the country, it’s important to check your air conditioner before turning it on. Check all components, and schedule HVAC service to ensure the unit works as intended before it becomes necessary. Use the following tips to keep your home cool and comfortable all season long.

3 HVAC Maintenance Tips for Spring

1. Change Your Air Filter 

HVAC servicesOver time, your air filter collects dirt and debris that you don’t want in the air in your home. Change your filter at the beginning of a new season and at least once every three months after that. Ask your HVAC services contractor about a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter if you have pets or are allergic to dust and dander.

2. Clean Your Condenser Unit

Over the winter, your outdoor unit likely gathered leaves, twigs, and other objects that may prevent proper air flow. Remove any visible objects that present an obstruction, vacuum around the unit with a shop vac, and use a soft bristle brush to clean out any remaining visible debris in your system.

3. Schedule Maintenance

Semiannual maintenance from professional HVAC services maximizes the efficiency and increases the longevity of your unit. They inspect your system to ensure it’s working properly, and they will diagnose any problems that could hurt your unit or cost you money later, such as refrigerant leaks or poor drainage. Ask your contractor about ways you can streamline the energy efficiency of your systems to save even more.


Keep your home cool and your systems working properly with help from CKP Heating & Cooling in North Canton, OH. Their team of talented HVAC service professionals provides full-scale AC repair and maintenance to keep your house comfortable. If you need to have a new system installed, they also offer a wide variety of industry-leading, energy-efficient solutions. If your system suddenly breaks down, don’t worry; they offer 24/7 emergency services, so you always have assistance when you need it most. Learn more about their residential services online, and call (330) 791-3029 to schedule an appointment.
