
Bethany St. Joseph Corp.— Prairie Home, Salem Terrace, and Shelby Terrace
The Memory Box Project was designed to "assist members in creating and preserving a collection of memories from their personal history."  Tools were created to "facilitate conversations with members to assist in telling their personal stories," and "to train facilitators in interviewing techniques for older adults and soliciting memories."  At the completion of the project it was stated that, "Members reacted with laughter, smiles, and tears following the interview process and upon receipt of their Memory Box."  Comments included the following:
•I haven't laughed this much in years! Thank you for asking me these questions!
•What a beautiful tribute to my life!
•Thank you, I will treasure this and so will my children. This is the most precious gift!
•I sat and looked through the box over and over…it is the most beautiful gift!

Article provided from the Inclusa Provider Partners publication March 2019.
