
Adding a well to your home water system gives you the independence to use water at your leisure. Municipal water rules and prices can be restricting for many homeowners, which is why the freedom you get from a well can be refreshing. If you’re considering installing one in your home or you’re buying a house that already has one, here are a few benefits to look forward to. 

How Can Well Water Improve Your Home Water System?

1. It’s Healthier

To ensure it’s free of contaminants, municipal water is treated with chlorine, fluoride, and other harsh chemicals. However, in addition to removing hazardous materials, this process also removes helpful minerals, such as iron and calcium. Well water doesn’t contain any chemicals because it’s filtered naturally through the ground, giving it a more refreshing, pure taste. Annual testing will ensure the water supply is free of any harmful bacteria. 

2. It’s Less Expensive

SHome Water Systemummertime can put a drain on your pocketbook, especially if you like to keep your yard watered, stay hydrated, and shower daily. There are also price increases if any droughts occur or if the treatment facility needs upgrading. Private water wells give you an endless supply of water with no monthly bill, reducing your utility costs. In fact, according to a survey from the National Ground Water Association, 88% of private well owners said that getting water from their own well was their least expensive drinking option. 

3. It Increases Home Value

In general, installing a well on your property will increase the overall value. How much it increases depends on the well's function, how deep it is, and the type of filtration system involved. For instance, if the well can supply water for multiple uses, such as drinking, washing dishes, doing laundry, and watering the lawn, it's more valuable than a well that's solely used for drinking water. If you have any water softeners or filters installed to improve the taste of your well water, that will also increase its value. 


If you’re ready to improve your home water system, the experts at Branton Bros. Well Drilling in Dothan, AL, are here to help. For more than 50 years, they’ve provided residents and businesses throughout Dale, Henry, and Houston counties with well installation, maintenance, testing, and repairs. They also install softening systems if you need to improve the quality of your water supply, and they’re available 24 hours a day for emergency requests. Visit their website to learn more about these and other services or call (334) 677-5489 to schedule an appointment today.
