
Many drivers think that safe driving begins when they get behind the wheel. However, keeping your vehicle in good shape is just as important to your safety on the road. It’s essential that you regularly monitor your tire pressure and keep it within the recommended range listed on the sidewall. Leaving your new tires underinflated can have some serious consequences both for your safety on the road and your vehicle’s lifespan. Below is a quick guide to the importance of keeping your new tires properly inflated.

What Happens If You Leave New Tires Underinflated?

How it Affects Safety

Having the right amount of outward pressure applied to each section of your tread is vital to your traction and handling. This is called pounds per square inch, or PSI. The correct amount of PSI will improve your tread’s grip on the road, so you’ll maintain traction even while taking sudden evasive maneuvers such as swerving or braking. This is especially important in challenging conditions such as heavy traffic or bad weather.

What It Means for Vehicle Lifespan

new-tiresNew tires can last for many years when you take good care of them. Leaving the tire underinflated leaves too much of its surface touching the pavement since the weight of the car pushes downward on it. This causes the tire to overheat, which wears down the tread prematurely and wears out the rubber. If you’re lucky and this doesn’t cause a blowout, it will still wear out your tires long before their time.

Low pressure can even cause other types of vehicle damage, since it affects the way the car sits. It leaves too much pressure on the corner of the suspension and chassis, stressing out these systems along with your brake lines, rotors, calipers and more.



Whether you’re buying new tires or want to keep your current tires properly maintained, the right tire store will keep your vehicle moving smoothly and safely. Tire Warehouse Kauai offers a full range of tire services and sales in Lihue, HI, for drivers across the island, from tire installation to wheel alignment. Since opening in 1974, they’ve built a reputation for competitive rates and unbeatable customer care. Contact them online or at (808) 245-6754 to schedule a service.
