
A normal menstrual cycle is most often a’ regular’ cycle between 25 – 35 days.Such regularity usually denotes normal ovulation during the midpoint of that period. This is also a good sign that the women’s hormones are functioning normally. Abnormal uterine bleeding can occur anytime in a women’s life but is most common as the periods are just starting(age 9-14 years old) or during the years leading up to menopause(age 40-50 years old).

These are the years that the women’s hormones are the most erratic and thus leading to the irregular and sometimes heavy period flow.

The most common hormonal cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in a women’s reproductive years(ages 12-50 years old) is polycystic ovarian syndrome(P.C.O.S). This is a condition, that a women is born with, that causes her hormones to not only be erratic but also can cause her to develop excessive hairgrowth, acne, and weight gain. It is also is the most common case of infertility. 

Another common cause of abnormal uterine bleeding is endometriosis  which is when the lining of the uterus( the endometrium) is displaced outside the uterus. This condition can also cause very painful cramps. Physical causes of abnormal bleeding can be polyps or fibroids of the uterus which are abnormal growths within the uterus itself.


In older women(> age 50 years old) abnormal female bleeding can sometimes be the result of either cervical or uterine cancer and should be evaluated immediately. 

If abnormal uterine bleeding persists for more than a few months, consult a gynecologist for a thorough diagnostic work-up.

Dr. Jamieson is a board-certified gynecologist in the Cincinnati and Mason area. Call 513-241-7744 for an appointment.

