
As you age, your muscles and joints weaken and your bones become less dense. This can impact mobility and make you prone to injuries. Staying active is an important part of home health care. For seniors, this doesn’t have to mean going to the gym—there are a number of easy exercises they can perform in their living. The following can easily be done with a home health care professional.

Effective Home Exercises for Seniors

1. Wall Pushups

Strength-training is the best way to build bone density and will make seniors less prone to bone breaks and fractures. Bodyweight is plenty. To do wall pushups, extend your arms and place your palms flat on the wall. Slowly lower toward the wall and carefully push back. You should feel it in the back of your arms, chest, outer shoulders, and core. Try sets of 20 repetitions. It’s helpful to have a home health care professional provide support.

2. Toe-to-Heel Steps

Nothing beats walking when it comes to low-impact aerobic exercise. Take one step forward. Bring the other forward, placing the heel against the toe of the other foot. Continue doing this for 20 to 30 paces. This will improve balance and coordination, as well as strengthen joints. If mobility is a concern, have a home aide walk alongside you.

3. Yoga

home-health-care-lifetime-careYoga is one of the best ways to keep joints healthy and reduce muscle tension. The light stretches can be done at any age and may help with back pain and other issues from tightness. Invest in a yoga DVD or watch online videos to get started. Yoga’s calming effects may also result in mental health benefits.


If you or a loved one need an extra hand at home, reach out to the home health care team at Lifetime Care. They proudly serve the Finger Lakes region in New York and assist over 33,000 clients in hospices, homes, and other health care settings. They can work with a number of conditions, including cancer care, so call (585) 214-1000 today to discuss your needs with a representative in Rochester. For a full breakdown of their services and locations, visit their website or connect on Facebook.
