
Improving your home’s energy efficiency is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint and utility bills. There are many practical changes that homeowners can make, from replacing their windows to using different types of light bulbs. Here are several actionable steps you can take to see a difference.

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

1. Swap for LED Lightbulbs

Light emitting diode (LED) bulbs boast an impressive life expectancy. According to the United States Department of Energy, a standard bulb can last up to 1000 hours. They also use up to 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs, which can amount to substantial savings for homeowners.  

2. Replace Your Windows

windowIf your windows are starting to show their age, consider replacing them to reduce air leakage, which accounts for between 25 and 30% of residential HVAC usage. Always assess the window’s U-Factor, or its ability to reduce heat transfer. The lower that value, the greater its insulative properties.

3. Upgrade the Landscape

Just as your family might enjoy sitting under the shade of a leafy tree on a hot afternoon, so can your home. By planting foliage in such a way that it blocks direct sunlight from the house and windows, you won’t have to turn your AC up as high to feel comfortable. Additionally, this step also can protect your roofing materials and siding from fading and drying out due to UV exposure.


Not only can the above steps make your home greener, but they can also save you some green, too. To begin, turn to the window contractors at Innovations Siding & Windows in Lincoln, NE. The friendly and helpful staff can assist you in selecting low-maintenance, high return on investment products for your house, ranging from windows to siding. Visit them online to learn more about their services. Give them a call at (402) 423-8831 with questions.
