
If your eye doctor recently confirmed you have 20/20 vision after an eye exam, you may feel relief about your eye health. However, what does 20/20 vision mean? To help you understand this term, below is a guide detailing this vision measurement. 

A Guide to 20/20 Vision

What does this vision measurement mean?

eye examThis vision refers to the sharpness and clarity of your vision but doesn’t exactly mean that you have perfect sight. Specifically, it means that you can see what other average people can see when they are standing 20 feet away from an object. Typically, this is determined by reading a vision chart during an eye exam.

But while 20/20 is average, some people may be able to see much better. For instance, if you have 20/10 vision, you can clearly see images from 20 feet away that most people can only see at a 10-foot distance. Even if you have 20/20 vision, you may have other eye conditions, such as depth perception problems, focusing issues, and color blindness. 

Do I Need to Visit a Doctor If I Have 20/20 Vision?

If you have this vision, it’s important to note that it may not always stay that way. As you grow older, your eyes will change—and so may your ability to see objects from a distance or up close. Seeing your optometrist or ophthalmologist for regular eye exams can help catch these changes early on so you can maintain healthy vision. You should also visit an eye doctor regularly to screen for other issues that a vision chart cannot detect. For example, these specialists will use a variety of tests to screen for common eye diseases, such as glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy.

What If I Don’t Have 20/20 Vision?

When you don’t have 20/20 vision, there are many ways your optometrist or ophthalmologist can help you see more clearly. Most commonly, individuals will use prescription glasses or contact lenses to improve their sight. Others may benefit from laser surgery.



When you want to get a closer look at your vision health, Jamison Eye Care offers comprehensive resources to help. Serving the Rochester, NY, community for more than 20 years, Dr. Michele Jamison is qualified to perform comprehensive eye exams, as well as screen for other ocular health concerns including glaucoma and cataracts. If you don’t have 20/20 vision, this caring ophthalmologist will introduce you to a variety of simple solutions such as comfortable contact lenses or stylish designer frames. Visit this vision center online to learn more about these services or call (585) 225-5883 to schedule a convenient appointment.
