
Found all across the contiguous United States, subterranean termites are some of the most damaging house pests. If ignored, they can cause significant structural problems. The best way to minimize their damage is by learning the warning signs, being vigilant, and intervening at the first sign of trouble. To help you understand what to look for, refer to the following.

Fundamental Facts About Subterranean Termites


There are three subclasses of subterranean termites: swarmers, workers, and soldiers. All are generally about 1/2” to 1/4” inch in length. Both the worker and soldier types are wingless and have light, creamy, slightly translucent bodies. The swarmers, on the other hand, have black or dark brown bodies with wings that are nearly the same length as their body.

Dried Wing Pile

termitesSwarmers are usually the first sign of an infestation. They eventually shed their wings and collectively leave a pile of them in their wake. Once dried, these wings look like fish scales, so inspect the areas around your windows and doors for anything that may resemble that.

Wood Damage

Since all termite varieties feed on wood, wood damage is one of the top signs of their presence. Keep an ear out for hollow-sounding boards, especially in the basement, baseboards, or the flooring of your home. Furthermore, subterranean termites prefer softwoods, such as conifers, and will eat along the grain, not against it.

Mud Tunnels

Also known as “mud tubes,” mud tunnels are generally how non-swarming subterranean termites enter your home. They provide protection and help transport food as well. These tunnels are long and thin, about the width of a pencil, and can usually be spotted near the foundation of your home, especially by the exterior drywall.


If you’re in Missouri’s St. Charles County and spot any of these issues, call Bruce Terminix Service at (636) 947-1452. For more than 45 years, residents and businesses throughout the region have trusted them for their attention to detail and personalized service. Not only will they exterminate the termites in your home, but they’ll also thoroughly examine your property to ensure all possible access points are adequately sealed and blocked off. To learn more about this process, visit their website.
