
A fence offers multiple benefits to property owners. Whether you have a small lot or multiple acres, adding or replacing an outdated barrier enhances security and provides optimal privacy. However, attempting to do it yourself can actually have the opposite impact. If there's a fence installation in your future, here are three reasons to hire a professional for the job.

Why You Should Leave Fence Installation to the Professionals

1. Aesthetic Appeal

While a quality split-rail or privacy fence serves many functional purposes, it also enhances the visual appeal of a property. However, lack of experience often results in mistakes. Many of the most common issues associated with DIY installs inhibit the structure's functionality and create an obvious eyesore.

2. Efficiency

fence installationFrom painting to putting up shelving, the first time you do anything takes a substantial amount of time. Fence installation is not an exception to this rule. The process will take a novice weeks or even months to complete, while an experienced professional can tackle the project within a few days to a week, depending on size. Your time is valuable, so hire a professional. Not only will this save time, but it will also reduce how long you have to live without perimeter protection.

3. Longevity

A fencing contractor offers the skills and knowledge necessary to correctly install the material, which results in a more durable, longer-lasting structure. These qualities help save you money in the long run. Even if you're not in your forever home, the state of your fence affects the assessment value of the property. A professional installation reduces the risk of premature damage, so you have the opportunity to avoid the expense of repairs or a fence replacement when negotiating with buyers.


Need a new fence? T&L Services is dedicated to providing top-quality, dependable, and affordable fencing solutions to residents across Eagle River and Anchorage, AK. Specializing in cedar barriers, the fencing contractor also offers quick and efficient repairs and gate services. Visit their online gallery to view examples of their work, and request a fence installation quote today by calling (907) 333-0515.
