
Pondering your own demise isn’t a pleasant prospect, but preparing for future eventualities — no matter how far off they seem — offers many advantages. Funeral preplanning is an important part of ensuring you and your loved ones are ready for whatever may come. Here are three reasons why you should make arrangements well in advance. 

Why You Should Consider Funeral Preplanning

1. Relieve Emotional Stress on Your Family

Losing a loved one is never easy. Should you pass away, your family will need time and space to grieve and process your loss — a challenging enough circumstance without having to worry about arranging for a memorial ceremony and burial. By planning your service out ahead of time, you’ll be giving them a final gift, ensuring that they have time to simply comfort each other and focus on mourning.

2. Ensure Your Wishes Are Carried Out

funeral preplanningIf you have particular desires for your funeral ceremony, the best way to ensure they’re fulfilled is to arrange for the funeral ahead of time. By planning early, you’ll have an opportunity to identify where your remains should be laid to rest, what music should be played at your service, or what religious rites should be followed. By leaving behind a clear statement of your preferences, your family won’t have to guess at what you would’ve wanted. This will also make the service that much more personal and meaningful, reinforcing your family’s memories of you.

3. Ease the Financial Burden

The cost of a funeral can be a hardship for your family, especially if they have limited savings or depended on you to help provide part of the paycheck. Setting aside funds for your service will lighten their burden. This is a way of communicating that you loved them and are caring for them even after you’ve passed.


If you’re seeking compassionate professionals to assist with funeral preplanning, turn to Donald Jordan Memorial Chapel. Located in Dayton, OH, their staff does everything in their power to provide comfort and kindness to all while honoring the last wishes of the deceased. They’ll help you create advance arrangements that ensure every detail is cared for. Learn more today by visiting them online or calling (937) 610-1900.
