
Spiders are important predators, controlling insect populations that would otherwise harm humans or crops. However, while they play a useful role in the environment, you don’t necessarily want these pests living in your home. Below is a guide to spiders found in Nevada that need to be professionally exterminated. 

3 Spiders to Watch Out for in Nevada

1. The Brown Recluse

These spiders range in color from light brown to blackish grey, and they’re most easily identified by the violin-like markings on their backs. If you believe you’ve spotted a brown recluse, look for six eyes arranged in pairs to know for sure. They most often hide in cluttered places, such as in garages, basements, sheds, or even dressers. If you’re bitten by a brown recluse, you might not feel pain for up to eight hours. The bite may require medical attention.

2. The Hobo Spider

pestThis pest is also brown, but its bite is considered more dangerous. After about 30 minutes, the affected area will harden and blisters will form, resulting in a deep wound that may take months to heal. These spiders often hide in attics, cupboards, closets, or bedding. To catch prey, hobo spiders build funnel-shaped webs and wait at the end for smaller critters to wander inside.

3. The Black Widow

You can identify these pests by their glossy black bodies, and the red marks on their round bellies. Females are almost twice the size of male black widows and more venomous. You might find this spider near wood piles and stone walls or in basements and garages. While their bites are dangerous, they are rarely fatal to humans. Regardless of where you are bitten, you’ll feel the pain move to your stomach area as the venom travels through the blood.


If you believe you’ve seen any of these spiders in your Nevada home, get in touch with Surefire Pest Control of Las Vegas. With their eco-friendly, effective treatments, you can ensure your family and property will be safe from pests. Along with spiders, they also exterminate bedbugs, bees, scorpions, and a wide range of other insects and wildlife. To learn more about their services, visit the website, or call (702) 423-7463 to make an appointment.
