
Your eye is one of the most sensitive parts of your body, so even a small bit of debris like an eyelash can cause major discomfort. Additionally, it may scratch the surface of your eye. You should never try to get an eyelash out with your finger because this may introduce bacteria, which will impact your eye health. Instead, here are some eye care options to get rid of the problem.

5 Eye Care Tips to Get Rid of an Eyelash

1. Blink

Your eyes are designed to clean and maintain themselves by secreting tears to sweep away contaminants. You can often get rid of whatever is in your eye by calmly blinking a few times.

2. Water

If blinking doesn't dislodge the eyelash, you may need to rinse your eyes with water. If your faucet is tall enough, you can put your face directly under it; otherwise, fill a clean glass with lukewarm water to pour over your eye. Move slowly, and use low water pressure to make it more comfortable.

3. Eye Drops

Eye CareInstead of plain water, you may want to use artificial tears, which are formulated to be soothing to your eye. Additionally, they are easy to use in a bottle or eyedropper. Check the expiration date before you use them, as drops can go bad, and your eye is sensitive to the change.

4. Clean Cloth, Tissue, or Swab

If rinsing your eye isn't enough—for example, if the lash is caught under your lid—then you may need to touch your eyeball to remove it. Use a clean, fresh cloth or tissue, which you should wet with clean water.

5. Visit a Professional

In extreme cases, if there's an eyelash or anything else in your eye and you can't get it out, your eye doctor can help. Not only are they experienced at eye care, but they can also see the object, even if you haven't been able to.


If you need an appointment with an optometrist, call Staarmann Family Vision Center in Fairfield, OH. The offer a full range of eye care services, from basic exams to corrective lenses and surgery consultations, and they accept all leading insurance plans. To schedule an appointment, call (513) 874-1718 or send a message online.
