
Eye irritation can result from a broad range of factors. From environmental causes to eye conditions, there are many potential reasons why you may experience burning, itching, pain, discharge, or watery eyes. If the condition persists, an eye doctor can help pinpoint the cause of your irritation and recommend a treatment to address the issue. In the meantime, here are some common causes to explore.

5 Culprits Behind Irritated Eyes

1. Allergies

Seasonal eye allergies can peak when the pollen count is high, causing pronounced itchiness. In severe cases, allergies can even affect vision and interfere with your daily routine. In addition to keeping the windows closed and minimizing outdoor time when the pollen count is highest, your eye doctor may be able to recommend drops or allergy treatments to control irritation.

2. Exposure to Irritants

Environmental irritants including dust, air pollution, smoke, and airborne fumes can all irritate the eyes. Certain work environments, such as open yards where dust and dirt can be kicked up, are notorious for causing eye irritation. Heavily-chlorinated swimming pools can also cause burning and watery eyes. In these environments, be sure to wear eye protection such as safety glasses or swimming goggles.

3. Dry Eye

eye doctorDry eye syndrome is a condition in which the tear glands produce insufficient tears. While it can occur at any age, it is more likely to develop as you age. The condition is characterized by a feeling of scratchiness or stinging. Your eye doctor may recommend a solution such as artificial tears or prescription drops to help you manage any discomfort.

4. Pink Eye

Also known as conjunctivitis, pink eye is a common condition caused by inflammation of the membrane that covers the white area of the eye. Blood vessels swell as a result, leading to irritation. The condition can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungi, but is typically highly treatable with prescription medications.

5. Contact Lens Wear

Some contact lens users experience discomfort with long periods of wear, which is especially likely to occur if you accidentally fall asleep with lenses in. If you notice blurriness, scratchiness, or similar irritations while wearing contacts, swap them out regularly, rinse them with solution after each use, and wear them only as directed. Your eye doctor can also suggest different types of lenses, which may help to keep the eyes hydrated.


Whether you’re experiencing persistent eye irritation or you’re simply due for an eye exam, Dr. Ron Sealock has all of your vision care needs covered. This Houston County, AL, eye doctor provides services for the whole family, including the condition and treatment of eye conditions, eye screenings, and a broad selection of prescription eyewear. Send the office a message online or call (334) 793-9607 to schedule an appointment.
