
Allergies send numerous Americans to their health care providers every year, and all sorts of things can trigger a reaction—food, insects, and pollen, for instance. If you’ve begun to notice that peanuts make your mouth and throat itchy or you’re suddenly affected by pollen when you weren’t before, you’re probably wondering if it’s possible to develop new allergies throughout your lifetime. Use this brief guide to answer your questions.

What Causes Allergies?

You have an allergic reaction to something when your immune system identifies an otherwise benign substance as an invasive threat. Your body then produces antibodies to fight that substance, flagging it as dangerous, and it will often continue to produce an allergic reaction in future exposures, sometimes causing stronger reactions with repeated contact. Animal dander, dust, shellfish, mold, perfumes, and medications are just a few common allergens, and practically any external substance could be an allergen for someone. Symptoms include swelling, rash, itching, hives, asthmatic symptoms, coughing, sneezing, sinus headaches, and—in severe reactions—anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal if not treated immediately.

Can They Change Over Time?

allergiesIt’s possible to inherit an allergy, which is why they’re more common in children. However, it’s possible to stop having allergic reactions to something after dealing with it for years—or to develop a reaction to something that has never bothered you in your decades of life.

Although doctors aren’t entirely sure why your allergic triggers can vary over the course of your life, it’s thought that the body’s current condition and surroundings at the time of the allergy onset could be a factor. Things like hormonal fluctuations, stress, smoking, and external factors (such as high levels of smog) may weaken or stress your immune system, causing it to attack normally harmless compounds, resulting in an allergy. For example, it’s not uncommon for a woman to develop a new allergy when pregnant. They may also make you suddenly react more violently to an already known allergen. This means that you can develop a new allergy or recover from a lifelong one at any age, whether you’re 20 or 90.


Carolina Doctors Med Care provides first-rate health care services to Sanford, NC, including expert diagnosis and management of allergies. Their experienced team will compassionately hear your concerns, discover your allergens, and help you manage them. Beyond this, their comprehensive care includes sports physicals, medical weight loss, fracture care, and lab work. Since their beginning, they’ve prioritized the patient experience while providing quality health care, maintaining an advanced and inviting facility. From sports physicals to minor surgery, read what they can do online. Call (919) 774-3680 to schedule an allergy test.
