
The sunlight in late spring and summer can help your lawn grow and thrive; however, too much heat exposure can cause it to develop unsightly brown patches. To ensure that your grass remains green throughout the late spring and summer heat, it’s imperative to establish a lawn care regimen. Use the following tips for a healthier and beautiful property. 

3 Lawn Care Tips for the Heat

1. Water It Routinely 

One of the most common lawn care issues during spring and summer is dehydration. Frequent droughts can lead to a dry and brittle lawn, especially if your water usage is also restricted by the municipality. To ensure your lawn remains healthy and to continue to preserve water, it’s best to water your lawn wisely. Use about an inch of water weekly to help it keep its color and strength. 

2. Fertilize It As Needed

Fertilizer keeps grass bright and lush throughout the warmer months. However, the application process can be tricky—using too much or too little could cause your lawn to dry out. To prevent that, make sure you’re using the right type of fertilizer. While nitrogen encourages chlorophyll production—which makes grass greener—phosphorus promotes the healthy growth of roots and stems. Potassium strengthens grass, allowing it to thrive despite droughts and ward off diseases. With so many factors to consider, it’s beneficial to hire a landscaping company that can assess which balance of these three ingredients your lawn needs most, as well as how to handle the application process.

3. Learn Smart Mowing Practices

lawn careIt’s imperative to mow your grass frequently, especially during the spring and summer. Generally, you should never trim more than 1/3 of the grass at a time, which means it requires mowing once a week. To protect your lawn from the heat, never mow it at noon. The sun’s strong rays, coupled with fresh-cut edges, could burn the blades of grass. Instead, mow in the early morning or the late evening. 



If you’re looking for more essential lawn care tips, get in touch with Pasadena Gardening & Tree Service in Pasadena, CA. They’ve been serving residential and commercial properties across Los Angeles County for over 25 years, providing design, fertilizing, and mulching services. To schedule a spring cleanup, call (626) 449-4340 or visit their website to read reviews from trusted customers. 
