
The colors in your office influence more than its style. Different colors can trigger different ideas and emotions, and using certain colors in your environment can subconsciously affect your thinking. If you'd like to make your employees more inspired and motivated, consider incorporating the following paint colors into your office’s interior.

Paint Colors to Help You Work

1. Blue

Paint ColorsBlue is a soothing paint color which will help your employees stay calm and focused. It's best for areas where logic, clear communication, and concentration are important, like in cubicles or around your employees' desks.

2. Yellow

For a more energetic environment, choose yellow. This color stimulates positivity and creativity, and it’s useful in areas where your employees are solving unique problems or engaging with the public.

3. Green

Because of its associations with nature, green evokes calm and balance. It helps lower stress, and also reduces eye strain, making it an ideal choice in offices where long hours are the norm.

4. Red

Another upbeat and energetic paint color, red promotes physical strength and boldness. If your work environment requires physical labor — such as a warehouse or stock room — add some red for an energy boost.

5. Orange

Orange is a warm color which is fun and inviting. It combines many of the strengths of both yellow and red, and is an excellent way to keep your employees happy and encourage them to be active and decisive.


If you'd like to update your office's paint colors for a more effective work environment, call Fairbanks Paint & Glass in Alaska. They supply quality paint to homes and businesses throughout the Fairbanks area, as well as glass replacement, fabrication, and installation. Their products are specifically chosen to stand up to Alaska's weather. To ask about their selection, call (907) 456-7758 or send a message online.
