
New windows not only improve the look of your home, but can also help you save money on your energy bill. A large portion of utility costs goes towards heating and cooling, so ensuring windows are tightly sealed, fitted, and free of cracks can prevent drafts that deregulate the temperature of a space. Learn how new windows can help you save money every month in the guide below.

How Temperatures Affect Your Energy Bill

Over 40% of the average American’s electric bill goes towards heating and cooling their home, making maintaining indoor temperature the highest portion of monthly utility costs. Most HVAC units are designed to start operating when the temperature goes over or under a set number, so any factors that influence your indoor climate drive up your bills.

Why Older Windows Are Inefficient

Most windows are made of wood, and wooden frames can start absorbing moisture over time, leading to rot and damage that creates cracks. Seasonal changes can also warp wood, making your window pane fit poorly in its frame.

When there are cracks or gaps around your window, air from outside seeps into your home, cooling it in the winter and warming it in the summer. This makes your HVAC have to work harder to regulate your indoor temperature, leading to higher energy bills.

The Advantage of Newer Windows

WindowsIf you have old, wooden windows, consider switching them out for other materials. 

In addition to reducing noise and condensation, double pane windows are filled with argon or krypton gas, which improves their insulation value (U-value) and helps keep your indoor temperature stable.

Frames made of vinyl, on the other hand, have almost no maintenance requirements aside from the occasional wipe down.


If you’d like to replace your old windows to improve the energy-efficiency of your home, contact Shepard’s Glass, Inc. in Kalispell, MT. Since 1959, they’ve provided installation, repairs, and maintenance for wood windows, vinyl windows, interior doors, shower doors, and any other home or commercial fixture made of glass. To schedule a service, call (406) 755-4540.
