
Maintaining your home’s roofing is a critical part of being a homeowner, but eventually, you’re going to need to replace it. Unlike roof repairs, a total replacement is a far more extensive process. If you’re about to replace your roof, consult the following do’s and don’ts of roof replacement as a guide.


Repair the wooden foundation.

A total roof replacement isn’t complete unless the wood foundation underneath is examined. Over time, the foundation of your roof can become damaged from inclement weather or rotten from moisture. To ensure there is a sturdy base for your new roof, fix any issues with the wood foundation underneath before adding the new roofing materials.

Consider different material options.

RoofingThere are a variety of options to choose from when debating what type of roof you want for your home. Your selection will depend on many factors. If you live in an area that experiences extreme weather, concrete tiles are an excellent choice because they’re sturdy and wind-resistant. Meanwhile, asphalt shingles are a cost-effective material that match most home exteriors, but they won't last as well in certain environments, particularly in regions that experience high heat.


Forget to prepare.

A roof replacement is a major job, but it will go a lot smoother if you prepare beforehand. Clear out all lawn decor, grills, and vehicles from the area surrounding your roof to avoid any collateral damage from fallen roofing materials. This will save the roofers time on prepping your home, so they can get to work as soon as they arrive.

Build on your old roof.

While it may seem easier to just build on top of your current roof, this usually isn’t a smart idea. Adding additional shingles can actually shorten the life of your roof by adding too much weight and trapping excess heat. There are also laws preventing a roof from having more than two layers, so if you’ve already replaced one roof over another, you’ll have to take everything down and start from scratch.


Following these tips will help to keep your roofing project as painless as possible and ensure a safe installation. When it’s time to replace your roof, contact the professionals at Coulee Region Roofing & Siding in Onalaska, WI. With over 29 years of experience, their fully insured contractors specialize in residential roofing and commercial roofing, and they offer a wide range of styles to build you the perfect roof. Schedule an estimate today by calling them at (608) 780-5582 or learn more about their services online.