
Bathing and brushing are routine parts of dog grooming. But besides having clean, soft fur, dogs need clean ears to avoid bacteria buildup and infections. But how often should you clean them? And can you tackle this on your own? Take a look at some common questions below on ear cleaning. 

How to Care for Your Dog’s Ears

Why should I clean my dog’s ears?

The area around a dog’s ears is very sensitive. Dogs with clean ears experience less discomfort and won’t scratch as often. Removing discharge and excess wax is good for their hearing too and removes any potential bacteria from growing or causing infection.  

When should I clean my dog’s ears?

dog groomingFactors like breed, age, hair type, and length determine how often you should clean their ears. While most dogs should have their ears cleaned monthly, dogs who swim or produce wax quickly should have theirs cleaned two to four times a month.

What tools do I need to clean them?

Most of the supplies you’ll need are probably already part of your dog grooming routine. Make sure you have tweezers, cotton balls, and a towel handy. You’ll also need a bottle of pet-specific ear cleanser. If you’re not sure which one to use, consult your veterinarian or dog groomer. Avoid cleansers with alcohol in them, as they sometimes irritate.

How do I clean my dog’s ears?

This won’t be very different from your usual dog grooming routine. First, get them to sit. Relax them by letting them inspect the bottle of cleanser. Next, inspect their ears. If you suspect irritation or detect a foul odor, consult your veterinarian. Hold the flap of their ear and gently apply enough cleansing solution to fill the canal. Massage the base of their ear so the solution can spread. After 30 seconds, use cotton swabs to wipe away any excess liquid. 


If you’re not comfortable cleaning your dog’s ears, schedule an appointment with Ty-D-Paws Express by dialing (402) 405-3999. Their experienced and professional groomers have cared for the cats and dogs of Lincoln, Nebraska, for over 16 years. They offer comprehensive services ranging from flea treatments to dental care. For more information on how they can pamper your furry friend, check out their website.
