
If you’ve ever been sprayed by a skunk, you likely have some idea how to deal with the smell. But what happens when you encounter one while driving or startle one near your home? That odor can cling to your car and make it extremely unpleasant to drive. Luckily, you don’t have to grin and bear it. The tips below will help you deodorize your car and implement efficient animal control if the skunk is still on your property.

How to Get Skunk Smell Out of Your Car

1. Start With the Exterior

While cleaning your car’s body, you want to be careful to avoid damaging the paint. Mix equal parts distilled vinegar and dish detergent and put it in a garden sprayer or power washer. If you’re using the power washer, make sure the pressure is gentle enough to preserve your car’s body. Remember to spray the undercarriage and tires so the stench doesn’t have any place to hide.

2. Ventilate

animal control Cleaning is a lot harder if you’re choking on the smell. Before you get down to scrubbing, let your car sit outdoors for a day or two with the windows or doors open. The air will help mitigate the stench from the skunk. You can also run fans outdoors to speed the process if you need your car back in action as soon as possible. While you’re waiting, contact an animal control company if the skunk was on your property.

3. Use the Right Detergent Inside

If you’ve ever washed a dog that got sprayed by a skunk, you know that regular soap and water won’t do the trick. The most effective solution for deodorizing is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and car shampoo. These ingredients work together to fight odors instead of simply masking them. For non-upholstered areas, such as dashboards, use specially formulated cleaners. You should also leave activated charcoal in the car for several weeks to continue absorbing odors.


If you have a skunk hiding under your house or car, don’t risk getting sprayed by chasing it away yourself. Instead, call the experts at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services. Located in New Milford, they specialize in humane animal control solutions for bats, raccoons, skunks, and more throughout Connecticut. They’ll also help you find solutions to keep creatures from moving in again. To schedule service, call (860) 355-1231. You can learn more about their animal control offerings on their website.
