
There are many reasons why people want chickens. Whether you are adopting several baby chicks as pets or need the animals for your commercial farm, use the following guide to help you start your coop. From what kind of livestock feed to purchase to questions about egg development, the frequently asked questions below will help your chicks grow into healthy chickens. 

How to Take Care of Chickens

What do I feed them?

Visit your local feed store for everything you need to raise healthy chickens. Purchase chick starter livestock feed and consider medicated food that protects the little birds from coccidiosis, a common disease fatal to babies. Purchase a specialty feeder they cannot climb into since chicks defecate where they eat.

What supplies should I buy?

Other pet supplies necessary to healthy baby chick growth include a high-sided container, or brooder, with enough room for the animals to walk around comfortably. Purchase a heat lamp and keep it in the container at 95 degrees Fahrenheit during the first week and 90 degrees for the second. Also, buy pine shavings for bedding and a water feeder. Place the feeder far away from the heat lamp and bring it inside on freezing nights. Once the chicks start developing their wings, you will need a net or grate to keep them from leaving the brooder.

How much space does my chicken house need?

livestock feedDetermine coop space using the standard calculation of four square feet per bird. If you have six chickens, for example, your coop would be 18 square feet. Design a coop with features that make it easy for the animals to move and roost, including nesting boxes—one box per four hens—with sliding doors for easy access and a removable bottom tray for hassle-free cleaning. Chickens also benefit from eight to ten square feet of run space per bird with livestock feed throughout. This limited free range protects the birds but allows them to play. Use durable wire fencing to keep the animals safe from predators. 

When can the chicks go outside?

Let your chicks explore the outdoors after six weeks in temperate weather only. Ensure they cannot get out of your yard, since the tiny birds run fast and can easily squeeze through small spaces. Also, keep the vegetation bordering your fence mowed to eliminate potential predator hiding places.

How many eggs will my hens lay?

Expect one to two eggs every day per two hens depending on factors such as the chickens’ breed and ages, the time of year, stress level, and coop lighting. Chickens require light year-round to keep producing eggs, especially in winter when there are fewer daylight hours. Remember free range chickens can lay eggs all over the grounds, and molting hens will be egg-free for a few days.


Purchase livestock feed at Clifton Feed and Service Center. This hunting supply store in Clifton, TX, carries lawn, pet, and hunting equipment, and they have been serving Bosque County since 1968. Call (254) 675-3416 today with livestock feed questions or view products online. Get more tips on Facebook.
