
As cities continue to build up across the country, so has the prevalence of rooftop gardens. Planting flowers or vegetables on flat roofs is a clever solution to the issue of limited space, and once planted, they can be a source of beauty and sustenance for tenants. The guide below explores some additional reasons to install one on your commercial building.

What Are the Benefits of Rooftop Gardens?

1. Decreased Water Runoff

Concrete and cement aren’t the best absorbents of water, so when it rains in a city, excessive flooding can be a major issue. But when you plant gardens on flat roofs, they are able to better absorb the rainwater and decrease the amount of runoff.

2. More Cost-Effective Buildings

Flat RoofsRooftop gardens also act as insulation for buildings, helping to retain heat in the cold of winter while also keeping the structure cool during the hotter summer months. As a result of not having to run the HVAC as often, you’ll likely notice a drop in your monthly energy bill. Additionally, because they shade your flat roof from the elements, you are less likely to need as many repairs and replacements.

3. Improved Air Quality

Plant life is crucial to filtering out harmful particulates and gasses. Through photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which helps purify the city’s air. They can also capture dust with their leaves, which can help reduce the amount of smog plaguing many modern cities.


Planting a garden on a flat roof has numerous benefits for both yourself and the people around you. If you’re thinking about creating one, let the experts at A-J Roofing in Lincoln, NE, help. With over 36 years of experience in commercial roofing and roof replacement, their team of roofing contractors will ensure a safe installation of your new rooftop garden. Schedule your free estimate by calling them today at (402) 476-7905 or visit them online to explore more of their services and products.