
As spring weather arrives, it’s important to keep your roof in mind. It plays an integral role in protecting your home, and regular maintenance is key to preserving your residential roofing. Staying on top of upkeep and working with professionals will avoid the need for repairs and help you maximize its life span.

How to Maintain Your Roof in Spring

1. Catch Damage Early

As spring thunderstorms roll in, make a habit of checking your residential roofing afterward. High winds can rip shingles off or damage protective surfaces around skylights or chimneys. Check from the street for obvious signs of damage. Also, look for leaks in your attic. By recognizing and addressing these problems early, you can mitigate or prevent more serious damage.

2. Clean Your Gutters

residential roofing Overflowing gutters pose a number of risks to your home. As water spills over the lip of a clogged gutter, it can gradually strip paint from your home exterior. Flooding at the base of your home can ruin the landscaping, and if the soil becomes oversaturated, your home’s foundation may become damaged. Stay on top of cleaning the gutters so that water can be safely discharged from your residential roofing and property.

3. Schedule an Inspection

It’s not always easy to recognize signs of wear and damage to your residential roofing. To make sure yours is holding up, schedule a professional inspection. A roofing contractor will look at every aspect of your system to identify weaknesses, such as cracks or leaks, broken or missing shingles, and damaged flashing points. If any roof repairs are needed, they’ll tackle them right away and take measures to prevent future problems.


When you’re ready to schedule a roof inspection, contact Lasco Roofing & Sheet Metal. They offer both commercial and residential roofing services. They’ve served Litchfield County, CT, for over 45 years and can assist with everything from general repairs to new roof installations. Visit their website for a full breakdown of their services, or call (860) 355-8060 today to speak with a representative.
