
Everyone should see their dentist every six months for a standard cleaning. Making any additional appointments beyond that may seem excessive. However, there are a few scenarios, listed below, that require an extra trip to the dentist’s office. 

How Do You Know If It’s Time to Visit the Dentist? 


While you may be able to temporarily relieve tooth pain and sensitivity at home, you have to visit the dentist to treat the underlying cause. Cavities are one of the most common culprits behind toothaches, and they will not go away on their own. Other causes include gum disease, abscesses, and injuries. There are also various health conditions that can cause tooth pain, like shingles and sinus infections. If your dentist rules out oral health problems, visit your primary care provider for diagnosis and treatment next. 

Tender Gums

dentistIf you brush and floss properly, your gums should be fairly healthy. However, if they are puffy and tender or bleed easily, call a dentist. You want to detect gum disease early so you can halt its progression and reverse any damage. 

Dry Mouth 

Dry mouth could be an oral health issue, or it could be a side effect of medication. In either case, visit your dentist if your mouth feels dryer than usual. The teeth rely on saliva to rinse away bacteria and food particles, so dry mouth makes them more vulnerable to decay. In other words, you need to take actionable steps to combat dry mouth, regardless of the underlying cause. 


For quality dental care from a friendly provider who will put you at ease, turn to All Bright Dental. Located in Mamaroneck, NY, this general dentistry practice is led by Dr. Gennadiy Kravets, who has more than 15 years of experience in the field. They are proud to care for patients of all ages and perform a broad range of procedures on-site in their state-of-the-art facility. Whether you need preventive, cosmetic, or restorative dental work, you can rely on them for comprehensive care. To request a dentist appointment, reach out online or call (914) 698-5228. 
