
Instead of loading up your child with cavity-inducing gummies and tough sweets this Easter holiday, opt for candy and goodies that will make your child’s dentist proud. While in moderation candy won’t necessitate a trip to the dentist’s office, there are certain types that are more difficult on your child’s oral health. You don’t have to skip the candy completely this Easter but discover more about which are the best and worst for your child’s teeth.

The Best:

Hollow Chocolate Bunnies

dentistWhile chocolate is full of sugar, the hollow versions, like bunnies or chicks, take less of a toll on your dental health. Because they are hollow, they contain less sugar than cream-filled varieties and are easier to chomp on than the solid options.

Sugar-free Options

There are several different types of sugar-free candies available during Easter time. While it can still satiate a sweet tooth, it won’t lead to a toothache as quickly as sugar-rich versions and is less likely to require an appointment with your dentist. And because these types of candy stimulate the salivary glands, they can actually help keep teeth clean.

The Worst:

Sour Candy

Sour candy is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to your child’s oral health. Not only is it typically gummy and difficult to chew, but they also contain an acid that can damage the enamel of your teeth. The enamel is responsible for protecting the sensitive inner layer of teeth, leaving your child open to cavities.

Solid Chocolate

Solid chocolate Easter candy is loaded with sugar that can increase the decay-causing bacteria in your child’s mouth. In addition, it requires excessive gnawing and chewing, which can irritate your child’s gums and lead to pain or swelling.


If you want to know more about dental-friendly candy for your child’s Easter basket this year, talk to the dentists at Naas Family Dentistry in Northern Kentucky. In addition to providing preventative and restorative dental care for the entire family, the dental team offers modern procedures and treatment options in a state-of-the-art facility. To learn more about Naas Family Dentistry, visit their website or call (859) 363-9200.
