
Considering the amount of time that’s spent on the road each day, most drivers will encounter a traffic stop at least once in their lifetime. Knowing what to do if you’re pulled over can make a considerable difference in the penalties you end up facing. Taking the right approach can help you dodge a traffic violation, as well as prevent further financial and legal hardships. Here are a few tips on how to appropriately handle a traffic stop.

What to Do if You’re Pulled Over by Police 

1. Treat the Officer With Respect  

Being anything less than polite to a police officer or misbehaving in any way during a traffic stop is only likely to escalate the situation and place you in a worse off position. Acting rudely or refusing to do what the officer asks may give them grounds to arrest you. On the other hand, if you remain respectful and cooperative, there is still a chance you could be allowed to go without receiving a traffic violation. 

2. Avoid Volunteering Additional Information

traffic violationYou are not required to give an officer any more information than what is on your license, registration, and insurance. Should they ask if you know why you were stopped, it’s best to provide a non-committal answer and let them explain. Keep your answers short in response and don’t admit to any wrongdoing. Remember, anything you say could be used against you later in traffic court.

3. Stay in Your Car & Don’t Make Sudden Movements

Unless you’re asked to do otherwise, stay in your vehicle. Getting out can give the officer the impression that you’re trying to hide something. Also, don’t make any sudden movements that could be perceived as a threat. Exhibiting suspicious behaviors could end up giving law enforcement probable cause to search your car. Have your license, registration, and insurance information already accessible when the officer approaches your window so that you don’t have to reach for them. 

4. Consult an Attorney 

The most important step you can take after being pulled over is consulting an attorney who is experienced in traffic law. Though you might be ready to simply pay the fine and move forward, doing so could end up causing you more problems. With a traffic violation on your record, your insurance rates may increase, and you may lose your license after accumulating several points. An attorney will help you get the ticket dismissed and increase your odds of avoiding costly, inconvenient consequences.  


If you have decided to take action on a traffic violation you’ve received, contact Cheryl A Beverson, Attorney At Law. Backed by more than two decades of legal experience, she has been entrusted to help countless clients throughout Orange County, NY, fight to keep their driving record in good standing. With an attorney of her caliber on your side, you can have peace of mind your case will be handled in a competent manner. Call (845) 341-0008 to request a consultation, or visit her online to learn more about the services she provides. 
