
Whiplash refers to neck pain as a result of stretched or torn ligaments and tendons because of a sudden movement of the neck backward and forward with extreme force. This injury is often sustained in a car accident; however, many patients also endure whiplash due to riding roller coasters, riding horses, a sports injury, or even a physical assault. If you’re experiencing neck pain and you think it may be whiplash, here’s some helpful information. 

Understanding Whiplash & Your Treatment Options

What Signs Indicate You Have Whiplash?

Symptoms of whiplash will typically present themselves within 24 hours or less of the traumatic event. The primary sign of whiplash is neck pain and stiffness, headaches that stem from the base of the skull, blurred vision, and dizziness. 

How Can You Treat Whiplash?

WhiplashWhen you notice signs of whiplash, it’s important to receive a thorough examination to better understand the severity of your injury. Applying ice can also help with discomfort. Stretches are also important in the weeks that follow to restore your range of motion. 

What Alternative Treatments Help This Condition?

Safe and effective treatments such as ultrasound, laser, acupuncture, and chiropractic adjustments can be beneficial to relax your neck muscles, break up lactic acid, restore spinal alignment and flexibility, and help you cope with chronic pain. 


If you call Goodhue County, MN, home, and you’ve been diagnosed with whiplash after a car accident or sports injury, the compassionate team at Red Wing Chiropractic Clinic PA can help you find effective, noninvasive relief from chronic neck pain. Led by Dr. Jay M. Greenberg, D.C., a licensed acupuncturist and chiropractor with over 25 years of experience, you can trust you’ll receive comprehensive and personalized care geared toward improving your quality of life. Call today at (651) 388-8294 for a free in-person or telephone consultation with Dr. Jay Greenberg or Dr. Barbara Kaiser. Visit their website for more information on what to expect from your first acupuncture or chiropractic appointment. Chiropractic is safe, effective, and drug-free.
