
Restaurant owners should maintain sanitary conditions in all parts of their establishment to ensure the safety and health of their staff and customers, and part of that includes cleaning grease traps. Grease traps are designed to separate waste products that cause damage to the sewer system. Not only can this lead to inspection violations, but it can also prove hazardous to staff and patrons alike. Here’s why it’s so important to schedule regular restaurant grease trap cleaning.

3 Dangers of Dirty Grease Traps

1. Clogs

restaurant grease trap cleaningWhen grease traps get clogged, food, grease, fats, and other particles collect in the plumbing system, preventing proper drainage and reducing your kitchen’s productivity. Over time, if drain cleaning experts don’t clean out your blockages, clogs can lead to widespread plumbing problems in your kitchen.

2. Odors

Kitchens should only smell like appetizing, delicious foods, not backed up grease. Strong odors are not only off-putting to your staff, but can also waft out into your dining area and upset your customers. To prevent angry online reviews, hire a restaurant grease trap cleaning service to eradicate your contamination and improve your indoor air quality.

3. Fires

Grease is highly flammable, and can pose a threat to the safety of everyone in a building. If your clogged grease trap were to catch fire, it could cause extensive damage to both your kitchen and the rest of your property. Get grease traps in your kitchen cleaned out at least every three months to give you the peace of mind that your restaurant and staff are safe.


Avoid the hassle and mess of dealing with dirty grease traps by hiring Around the Clock Pumping to do the dirty work for you in Anchorage, AK. Additionally servicing the Kenai Peninsula and Matu-Su boroughs, they specialize in restaurant grease trap cleaning, drain cleaning, and septic pump services to cover all your septic and drain line needs. Visit them online to learn more about their services, or call (907) 345-9126 to schedule an appointment.
