
Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting start to a beautiful companionship, but it’s also a big responsibility. During that first year, you’ll be working closely with your veterinarian to give your puppy a healthy head start on life. Take care that your new furry family member gets each of the important vaccinations below.

Your Guide to First-Year Puppy Vaccinations

1. DA2PP

This multivalent vaccination protects your pup against four common viruses that affect young dogs: canine distemper, canine adenovirus types 1 and 2, canine parvovirus, and parainfluenza. It should be given on a routine schedule: at 7 weeks, 10 weeks, 13 weeks and 16 weeks. After that, it will be given annually; you can talk with your veterinarian about your dog’s schedule.

2. Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is spread by ticks and caused by a spirochete bacterium. When left untreated, it can affect your dog’s heart, kidney, joints, and lead to neurological disorders. The vaccine is given twice in the first year with an annual booster afterward. Have the first one done at around 10 weeks.

3. Leptospirosis

veterinarianLeptospirosis is caused by bacteria found in soil and water. If your dog gets sick, they could spread it to people. It is recommended for dogs who live near wildlife, spend most of their time outdoors, or have outdoor adventures such as hiking or camping. They should be vaccinated at eight or nine weeks, then again two to four weeks later.  

4. Rabies

Rabies is a virus that affects the central nervous system, and its vaccination is required by law in most states. Your puppy will need their first vaccination at about 16 weeks, with booster shots every 12 to 36 months after that. Your veterinarian will provide a personalized schedule for your dog’s needs.

5. Bordetella Brochisepta

The Bordetella bacterium is the primary cause of kennel cough. This vaccination can be applied via injection or nasal spray. The first vaccination should be done around 9 weeks, with a booster given 3 weeks later. It is given bi-annually after that.


Every pup is unique, so speak with a knowledgeable veterinarian about your dog’s first-year shot needs and a plan for other vaccinations after their first year. The team at Robertsdale Animal Clinic offers all the care your puppy needs for a healthy and happy life. Their full range of services includes everything from routine pet care to emergency care. Contact the veterinary clinic online or at (251) 947-7297 to schedule an appointment.
