
Kale has been growing in popularity over the years, and it’s used in salads, burgers, and sandwiches. There are many health benefits of this leafy green, and everyone should try to incorporate more of it into their diet. However, if you don’t prefer the taste of kale, try mixing it with delicious fruits in a smoothie.

Top 3 Fruits to Mix Into Your Kale Smoothie

1. Bananas

Its soft, buttery texture provides smoothies with a milkshake consistency. In addition to tasting sweet and creamy, bananas are an excellent source of vitamin C and B6 as well as folate. If you’ve ever been told to eat a banana due to a leg cramp, you might know that this fruit contains potassium, which can replenish the body’s supply and release muscle tension.

2. Pineapple

smoothieThis Hawaiian fruit may have a prickly outside, but its insides are incredibly sweet. Pineapple is tart and tangy, and it perfectly masks any bitter or grassy taste from kale when added to a healthy smoothie. Pineapple is rich in antioxidants, which protect cells from harmful molecules that are produced when your body breaks down food. This fruit also boosts your immune system with a healthy dose of vitamin C and improves digestion by providing your system with bromelain.

3. Mango

Mangoes aren’t as tart as pineapples, but they have a satisfying, meaty texture like bananas. When added to your kale smoothie, you’ll benefit from a dose of vitamin A, which maintains the immune system, and vitamin K, which prevents blood clotting. Additionally, mangoes are an excellent source of magnesium, which regulates heart, muscle, and nerve function while strengthening bones.


If you want to try a kale smoothie mixed with these delicious fruits, stop by HiBlend in Wahiawa, HI. This eatery is committed to using non-GMO, natural, organic ingredients, whether you’re craving a sandwich, salad, wrap, or health bowl. View their delicious menu online, or call (808) 425-4328 to ask a team member about their unique, fresh ingredients.
