
Whether you are experiencing everyday back pain or recovering from an accident, a chiropractor can help you find relief. During your first appointment at their office, the chiropractor will perform a thorough physical exam before creating a treatment plan. This helps them determine your spinal alignment, general mobility, and flexibility. The following are just some of the tests you can expect during this assessment.

Visiting a Chiropractor? Expect These Diagnostic Tests

Gait Exam

When your spine, pelvis, and hips are out of alignment, it can affect the way you walk. The chiropractor may ask you to walk across the room while they observe your gait. They will note any signs of tension or misalignment and use further assessments to confirm this. 

Flexibility Tests

The chiropractor will check the mobility in your joints through flexibility tests. They may ask you to turn your head to each side, touch your chin to your chest, and look upward. Other tests may include your shoulders, hips, and spine. If you experience any pain or discomfort during this exam, say something. This could be a sign of a pinched nerve or another issue.

Spine Exam

chiropractorYour chiropractic provider will examine the curve of your spine. They will feel the spine’s alignment, checking for vertebrae that are out of position. They will also measure the curve of the spine. In some cases, the chiropractor will use a special instrument to measure curve and alignment. 

Straight Leg Raise

Another common test, this exam checks tension in the joints, muscles, and sciatic nerve. The chiropractic professional will lift one of your legs while you hold it straight. They will observe the muscle flexibility and whether the motion causes pain. During this exam, they will also check the length of your legs to check for pelvic misalignment. 

Imaging Tests

While every office has a different protocol, some providers will perform imaging tests, such as X-rays. In some cases, they may also order a CT scan or MRI to check the structure of the spine and muscles more carefully. You will likely need to complete additional imaging tests to track your progress during treatment. 


When it comes to your chiropractic care, the team at Red Wing Chiropractic Clinic PA in Goodhue County, MN, guarantees a personalized approach. They complete a thorough assessment for each patient, pinpointing misalignment, tension, pinched nerves, and more. Dr. Jay M. Greenberg, D.C. has been working as a chiropractor and acupuncturist for over 25 years. Whether you are living with migraines or looking to ease your arthritis, he uses his knowledge and experience to create an individualized treatment plan. To view a list of their services, visit them online. You can also call (651) 388-8294 to schedule a consultation.
