
As a parent, you want your child to have a lifetime of health and wellness. And this process starts when they are young. By teaching proper dental care habits to your little one, you can help them avoid complications later on in life. This guide will provide some basic tips for helping your child develop an oral hygiene routine.


Make it fun. 

Children learn through play, so try to add some fun into their dental care routine. Put on music while they are brushing their teeth and dance along with them. Create a sticker chart to track their progress, and take them on a special outing when they reach their goals. You can make brushing and flossing more appealing by adding playfulness into the process. 

Give them choices.

To get your child excited about brushing their teeth, give them some agency. Allow them to pick out a toothbrush at the store, as well as their preferred flavor of children’s toothpaste. Ask them which song they want to brush to. These small choices will help your child feel more involved in their own dental care. 

See the dentist.

dental careTaking your child to the dentist from a young age helps them get used to the office environment and feel more comfortable during their cleanings. The general recommendation is to take your child to their first appointment before their first birthday. This sets a strong foundation for optimal dental health throughout their childhood.


Skip your own oral hygiene.

As you teach your child to brush and floss, focus on yourself as well. You should be setting a strong example for your little one by sticking with a daily dental care routine. It’s also important to see your dentist for your own appointments. Take your child with you to your cleanings to show them that you have a similar routine. 

Use scare tactics.

You want your child to have a healthy mouth, but be positive when teaching proper dental care. Avoid telling them that their teeth will fall out if they don’t brush or using other threats. You should also frame their dental cleanings as exciting visits rather than punishments for not brushing their teeth. Your little one will be more excited about dental care if you frame the practice in a positive light.


When teaching your little one about dental care, you need the right dentist on your side. The team at Chinook Family Dentistry has the tools and knowledge to help children and adults in Anchorage, AK, enjoy a lifetime of oral health. Dr. Symonds and Dr. Lathrop have been providing exemplary services for over 35 years, including dental cleanings, tooth extractions, root canals, crowns, and oral cancer screenings. For a full list of their services, visit them online. Call (907) 272-8422 to make an appointment.
