
Many people are aware that coffee, tea, and red wine stain teeth if consumed frequently without brushing or flossing after. But there are some foods and drinks that might not be on your list of foods to avoid to preserve your teeth whitening treatment. Below are five foods and drinks that stain teeth. 

What Foods Stain Teeth?  

1. Curry

Curry consists of a yellow pigmented mixture of spices that easily stains teeth. If you enjoy eating curry, make sure to rinse your mouth immediately after. It’s best to eat crunchy vegetables—celery, carrots, and cauliflower—with your dish, as they act as natural scrubbing agents that reduce stains. 

2. Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce can compromise your teeth whitening treatment as it’s both deep in color and very acidic. Similar to curry, the red pigment stains teeth. The acidity from the tomatoes can weaken the enamel, allowing the stains to set. Drink plenty of water to wash away the sauce while you eat. 

3. White Wine

Most people who want their teeth whitening to last longer give up red wine and opt for white instead. However, both beverages can equally cause stains. Because wine is highly acidic, drinking it frequently can weaken the enamel over time, leaving the teeth susceptible to stain-causing foods.

4. Berries

teeth whitening Berries stain teeth due to their large amounts of tannin. Berries in any form will aid in discoloring your teeth—whole, in a sugary jam or jelly, or juices. If you enjoy eating these fruits, make sure to either dilute them—if you’re drinking smoothies, shakes, or juices—with water or brush after. If you eat strawberries, floss to dislodge any seeds embedded between your teeth. If left behind, these seeds—which are covered in acidic juices—can corrode the teeth. 



Are you looking for more efficient teeth whitening treatments? The office of Lisa Valderueda, D.M.D., Inc, in Waipahu, HI, offers comprehensive dental services, from preventive dentistry to cosmetic procedures. Call (808) 676-5711 to schedule an appointment for veneers, dental checkups, or teeth cleanings. Visit their website for more information about their services. 
