
Your car’s engine needs regular maintenance and auto care just like your body does. It is the heart of your car and can cause serious problems if it’s not taken care of. To ensure your engine is running as smoothly as possible, make sure to have the following components of your engine checked regularly.

3 Regular Engine Components That Should Be Inspected Regularly 

1. Oil

Oil in your vehicle is used to keep the engine lubricated and running smoothly. As you drive, the oil in your car begins to break down under the high temperatures and can no longer do its job properly. This can allow deposits of carbon to build up on the internal parts of the engine; this slows their ability to move and increases friction, causing unnecessary wear and tear. Most auto care experts recommend having your oil changed every 5,000 to 7,000 miles. However, this might differ depending on your car and the type of oil you use. 

2. Air Filters

auto careCars need consistent airflow to continue running. In a vehicle, air enters the engine through an air filter, similar to that in your home. When this gets dirty and full of debris, the engine slowly suffocates. Practice proper auto care by checking the air filter regularly and have it replaced every 15,000 to 30,000 miles.

3. Belts & Hoses

As your engine runs, it moves several belts and uses a few hoses. Over time, these parts can wear out and break. Have these belts and hoses checked regularly by an auto care professional. It’s always easier to replace a worn belt or hose than fix the major issues that can happen when they break, such as a bent valve or broken cylinder head.


When you need engine maintenance or another form of auto care, bring your vehicle to Professional Automotive in Anchorage, AK. Their professional mechanics will provide knowledgeable and trustworthy care, all while treating you with the utmost respect. The shop prides themselves in owning state-of-the-art technology, including computer diagnostics. Give them a call today at (907) 562-2471 to schedule a tuneup, or visit their website for more information on their services.
