
Stress can have body-wide health implications, but often, we fail to connect the dots between anxiousness and dental health. In fact, there is an important link between stress and tooth and gum health. In honor of Stress Awareness Month this April, discover how stress and oral care are related below.

The Link Between Stress & Oral Care

How Does Stress Impact Your Dental Health?

Sometimes when people are stressed, it manifests through teeth grinding at night. In fact, nearly 70% of cases, this behavior is caused by stress or anxiety. Also known as bruxism, teeth grinding typically occurs without the person even knowing they’re doing it. Yet, symptoms such as head or jaw soreness upon waking up may point to the condition. Partners may also hear their loved ones grinding their teeth at night.

oral careOver time, grinding can erode enamel, exposing the sensitive dentin underneath and leaving teeth more vulnerable to decay, infections, and other complications. In severe cases, it can cause loose or shifting teeth, fractures, and the need for extensive restorative dental work.

How Can You Combat Bruxism?

The best approach to take against teeth grinding is to address the root cause of your stress. Finding healthy coping mechanisms, such as yoga and meditation, may help you combat the effects of daily stressors. Speaking with a counselor can also be helpful in developing healthy stress management practices. In the meantime, your dentist may be able to outfit you with a custom mouthguard to prevent bruxism.


If you have shifting teeth as a result of bruxism or a similar oral care concern you’d like to address, contact Periodontal Visions in Fairfield and Western Hills, OH. Led by experienced dental specialist Dr. Robert Limardi, this practice offers a broad range of treatments for gum disease and related issues, including dental implants and periodontal surgery. Browse through the office’s full range of services online or call (513) 870-9672 to schedule an appointment in the Fairfield office or (513) 598-9555 for Cincinnati.
